Sintered Filter Discs
Sintered Filter Discs, Sintered Mesh Filter Discs...
Sinteredfilter discs also known as diffusion bonded wire mesh filters, thesintered mesh is composite of multiple layers of different stainlesssteel wire mesh by diffusion bonding process (under heat and pressureconditions), the result is that all wire in the mesh are locked andsecured, eliminating loose wires and increasing the stability of thecloth. Its comprehensive property is superior to sintered non wovenmedia.
Specification:JD Hardwarecan offer a range of sintered wire mesh of filtration grades 5micron, 50 micron, 100 micron and further, and they are produced from3 layer, 4 layer and 5 layer meshes. The sintered filter discs iscommonly constructed of materials of special alloys and stainlesssteel.
Materials:Stainles ssteel: 304, 304L, 316, 316L, 321
Types:Round/circularshape, rectangular shape
Feature:High rigidity and stability
Heat and wear resistance
Cleanablity and reusability
Good dirt holding capacity
Easy to clean and reusable
Geometrical structure of mesh is preserved
Long service life, therefore reduced downtime
Oil and Gas
Food & Beverages
Fluidized materials handling
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